Jessie Mae
Sharing My Music For The First Time

Sharing My Music For The First Time

Once I decided I wanted to pursue music, I was playing my guitar and singing at home ALL THE TIME.  I figured I should put myself out there and see if any local places would book me for a gig.  My niece Amara*hyperlink to her music*  had been playing at...

My Songwriting Journey

My Songwriting Journey

It has been a dream of mine ever since I realized I had half a decent singing voice, to be a musician.  To make that my purpose, my career, my life.  It really is so exciting especially as a little kid to find something that you’re good at.  Teenage years rolled...

Our Way

Our Way

This one was a husband appreciation song.  It’s just about our lives and the simple things we love doing together.  A lot of the choices we’ve made as a couple and as parents are different than the norm, like unschooling our kids, or refusing to punish and...

Not Gonna Panic

Not Gonna Panic

This song came to me in the shower.  Classic.  Every child of mine is currently working through their own version of anxiety.  Some of it is debilitating, and some manifests in other ways.  I think in the moment I was thinking about something that...

Cry Baby

Cry Baby

I wrote this song out of desperation to get my baby to stop crying one night.  She was maybe a year old, and in so much pain from teething and over tired.  Nothing could soothe her, so I decided to get the baby carrier out and hold her in it to try...

Wild Baby

Wild Baby

Wild Baby is mostly about my 8-year-old daughter, CC.  She and I had been butting heads for a while and it felt like everything was an argument. She questioned every single thing I had to say.  I was sitting around thinking about how I could do better,...

Fifteen Now

Fifteen Now

This song is about a really bad relationship.  It was mentally, emotionally, and physically abusive, drugs involved, and it really changed who I was for the worse, for a long time.  I became codependent and accepted and craved really really intense drama and...

Feel Something

Feel Something

I talk about the fragility of life in this one.  Things just slip away when it’s their time to go.  And it feels so abrupt, and we might not be ready for it because we’ve just been waiting our whole lives for the perfect circumstances to magically fall into...

Yes You Should

Yes You Should

This song is about running from myself.  I have always wanted to pursue music but never felt good enough to try.  Putting myself out there was always way too scary.  Even now when I’m starting to do it, I still crave that constant reassurance that I’m...

Nothing To Prove

Nothing To Prove

This song creeps into the dark places my mind goes sometimes.  I have a lot going on as a stay-at-home mother of 4, 4 adult children, several businesses we’re trying to run, my autism, and my music.  Sometimes I feel like I suck at all of it.  That I’m...