I am a neurodivergent singer-songwriter from Indiana. I have a bunch of babies and an amazing husband who support me and my music wholeheartedly. The songs I write are real, authentic experiences of my life. I am on the Autism Spectrum, and that’s why my first album is titled “Spectrum.” It’s my hope that I can bring awareness to the internal struggles of people like me, and the neurotypical world can try to understand and open their arms to those different to them. The album itself is on a Spectrum; a wide range of different mental health issues are involved, as well as being in love, empowerment, and messages about self-love. We are currently working on producing that album and hope to bring it to you in 2023!
all we need, is right now you know
Riverside Sessions
The Riverside Sessions is my second EP. We recorded this session live in the woods on a beautiful day in July. I chose this location because it is one of my favorite places to just go for a long walk, be in nature, and be at peace. These songs all reflect different parts of my life’s journey, my journey of being a wife and a mother, and of dealing with life on the spectrum. I know that so many people are dealing with anxiety and depression, and with not finding where they fit in this world, and I want all of you to know that you aren’t alone, you are loved, you are important, you are stronger than you know. Just know that when you are struggling, the storm will be over soon.
Spectrum will be my first full length album and I am so excited to be able to share it with all of you! These songs are really like my diary, my way of understanding what I am going through, what I’ve gone through in the past, who I am, and processing the world around me. I started writing in December of 2021, and in the next few months wrote over 30 songs. Spectrum will be a collection of many of these songs, a glimpse into my world, and hopefully a way to help you navigate your own. We all deserve to be happy, to be fulfilled, and to pursue the things that we are passionate about. I can’t wait to share this with all of you, we hope to have it completed and available by the end of this year! We will keep you updated!!
Fireside Sessions
Fireside sessions is my first EP. My husband and I recorded it live around a campfire in June of 2022, in the backyard at my mom’s house. This is real, raw, unedited me…sort of the only way I know how to be…and that’s really the whole point of these sessions. To try and show you, and myself, that it’s more important to embrace who we are than try to present some perfect façade. The world has enough people doing that already, so just be you. Beautifully, imperfectly, unapologetically you.
you only have this actual moment to survive
so…here’s what I’m thinking
Sharing My Music For The First Time
Once I decided I wanted to pursue music, I was playing my guitar and singing at home ALL THE TIME. I figured I should put myself out there and see if any local places would book me for a gig. My niece Amara*hyperlink to her music* had been playing at...
My Songwriting Journey
It has been a dream of mine ever since I realized I had half a decent singing voice, to be a musician. To make that my purpose, my career, my life. It really is so exciting especially as a little kid to find something that you’re good at. Teenage years rolled...
Our Way
This one was a husband appreciation song. It’s just about our lives and the simple things we love doing together. A lot of the choices we’ve made as a couple and as parents are different than the norm, like unschooling our kids, or refusing to punish and...
we were put here to love